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中华重症医学电子杂志 ›› 2017, Vol. 03 ›› Issue (03) : 231 -237. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2096-1537.2017.03.015

所属专题: 文献


吴明1, 苏磊2,()   
  1. 1. 518035 深圳市第二人民医院重症医学科
    2. 508010 广州军区广州总医院重症医学科
  • 收稿日期:2016-12-28 出版日期:2017-08-28
  • 通信作者: 苏磊
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金(81671896); 广东省医学科学技术研究基金(A2016353); 广东省深圳市科技创新委项目(JCY20150330102401099、JCYJ20160425103130218)

Current research situation of ferroptosis in rhabdomyolysis-induced acute kidney injury

Ming Wu1, Lei Su2,()   

  1. 1. Department of Critical Care Medicine of The Second People′s Hospital of ShenZhen, Shenzhen 518035, China
  • Received:2016-12-28 Published:2017-08-28
  • Corresponding author: Lei Su
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Su Lei, Email:

吴明, 苏磊. "铁死亡"在横纹肌溶解导致急性肾损伤中的研究现状[J]. 中华重症医学电子杂志, 2017, 03(03): 231-237.

Ming Wu, Lei Su. Current research situation of ferroptosis in rhabdomyolysis-induced acute kidney injury[J]. Chinese Journal of Critical Care & Intensive Care Medicine(Electronic Edition), 2017, 03(03): 231-237.


Rhabdomyolysis (RM) can be induced by severe muscles injury, strenuous exercise, intrinsic metabolic of muscle cells, and the toxic effects of chemical, physical, or biological agents. Myoglobin induced tubular obstruction, renal vasoconstriction, inflammation and apoptosis play a key role in rhabdomyolysis-associated kidney damage. Lipid peroxidation of renal tubular epithelial cells mediated by myoglobin is closely related to glutamate metabolism, whichinduce renal proximal tubular ferroptosis through a variety of signal molecules. Ferroptosis plays a key role in myoglobin induced acute renal injury (AKI). Desferrioxamine is an iron chelator that inhibits lipid peroxidation by reducing myoglobin-derived acute kidney injury. However, it is limited in clinical practice because of its hydrophilic properties and direct nephrotoxic effects.. Deferoxamine conjugated to adamantyl derivatives, which obtains lipophilic capacity. Baicalein, a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, can enhance cellular anti-ferroptosis capacity, which may be a potential therapeutic agent for ferroptosis-associated tissue injury. Myoglobin can be removed by high cut off hemofiltration (HCO), which has become the preferred treatment mode of renal replacement of RM-induced AKI.

图1 横纹肌溶解的分子机制图
图2 肌红蛋白诱导急性肾衰的机制
图3 铁代谢与铁死亡模式图
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