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中华重症医学电子杂志 ›› 2024, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (03) : 271 -278. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2096-1537.2024.03.011


刘娟丽1, 马四清2, 乌仁塔娜3,()   
  1. 1. 810007 西宁,青海省人民医院重症医学科;810001 西宁,青海大学高原医学研究中心
    2. 810007 西宁,青海省人民医院重症医学科
    3. 810001 西宁,青海大学高原医学研究中心
  • 收稿日期:2023-06-18 出版日期:2024-08-28
  • 通信作者: 乌仁塔娜
  • 基金资助:
    青海省高原医学应用基础重点实验室(青海-犹他高原医学联合重点实验室)项目(2022-ZJ-Y15); 青海省卫生健康委员会指导性课题(2020-wjzdx-01); 青海省高原重症医学重点实验室项目(2020-81)

Research progress of myeloid derived suppressor cells in sepsis

Juanli Liu1, Siqing Ma2, Wurentana3,()   

  1. 1. Department of Critical Care Medicine, Qinghai Provincial People's Hospital, Xining 810007, China; Plateau Medical Center of Qinghai University, Xining 810001, China
    2. Department of Critical Care Medicine, Qinghai Provincial People's Hospital, Xining 810007, China
    3. Plateau Medical Center of Qinghai University, Xining 810001, China
  • Received:2023-06-18 Published:2024-08-28
  • Corresponding author: Wurentana

刘娟丽, 马四清, 乌仁塔娜. 髓源性抑制细胞在脓毒症中的研究进展[J]. 中华重症医学电子杂志, 2024, 10(03): 271-278.

Juanli Liu, Siqing Ma, Wurentana. Research progress of myeloid derived suppressor cells in sepsis[J]. Chinese Journal of Critical Care & Intensive Care Medicine(Electronic Edition), 2024, 10(03): 271-278.


Sepsis is the main cause of ICU admission. Sepsis originates from an infection and progresses due to host desregulated immune response, ultimately leading to deterioration in tissues and organs. The pathogenesis of sepsis is complicate, with multiple mechanisms involved in its pathological and physiological processes. The immune state of the body is significantly disrupted. Thanks to the ongoing advancements in medical technology and the increasing knowledge of sepsis by ICU physicians, sepsis patients can typically endure the initial inflammatory response. However, in the later stages, they are susceptible to secondary infections due to immune suppression, which still carries a significant risk of mortality. At present, the research on sepsis mainly focuses on immunosuppression and immunomodulatory strategies. We review the nomenclature, origin, and research progress of myeloid suppressor cells (MDSCs) in sepsis in this manuscript. It also presents the theoretical foundation for future treatments of sepsis-related immune dysfunctions.

图1 MDSC分化注:MDSC为髓源性抑制细胞;STAT3/JAK为信号转导与转录激活因子3/Janus激酶
图2 脓毒症中MDSC介导免疫抑制的分子机制注:MDSC为髓源性抑制细胞
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